Posts Tagged ‘the obstacle is the path’

Has anyone ever give you total permission and encouragement to be a complete hot mess? Have you ever felt like you’re completely free to fall apart? To let your dark emotions flow out of you unchecked? Have you ever been able to look at the darkness that we all go through as a gorgeous, beautiful, powerful thunderstorm...

Welcome back! In part 1, I highlighted four areas where we have the opportunity to begin shifting our perception from what we see and allow into our lives, to what we can intentionally focus on to raise our general sense of positivity, well-being and happiness in the world. If you missed it, you can read Part 1...

If I had $1 for the number of times I’ve felt “lost” in my life, I would be a very wealthy woman. I have always had a very strong negative reaction to any time I felt challenged by something in my life. I wanted to feel amazing, joyful and blissed out all the time. I held on to this feeling with an iron fist, refusing...