No joke, but I’ve been actively working on pleasure for the past few months. I spent way too many years perpetuating our culture’s revered self-sacrificing model of existence and to be frank, I’m tired of it! Who is with me?
I am determined to make this life the very best life I can live, but it can be so hard to break our pattern of giving, doing, giving, doing, sleep (maybe) and repeat. I asked my Facebook buddies about this recently, and I am now convinced that our attitude around pleasure, joy and doing things because we want to is a chronic condition.
I am not going to solve everyone’s chronic “doer” and “giver” mentality in this post, but what I am going to do is share my efforts with you. I’m going to show you that there is another way to live. Life is to be enjoyed, savored, experienced and lived. If you disagree with me, then you need more pleasure than those of you who are nodding along and agreeing!
It won’t happen overnight, but if we could all simply ask ourselves one question at least once a day, I would encourage that it be this: “What do I desire today?”
Then follow-up, and do something to make yourself feel good.
You are important. You are beautiful. And you are worthy.