
So, let’s talk movement, aka: exercise. If you’ve read my whole story, you know that I went from someone who felt like a total mess of a person who couldn’t handle daily life without feeling totally overwhelmed, to someone who feels kind of amazing on a regular basis (I still have the occasional meltdown – no perfection, here!)

Consistently building my energy back up is where the magic is. Every. Single. Day. I choose to live a life by choice. I choose what situations to put myself in and who I interact with. I protect my own energy. I know you may be thinking, “Well, good for you! You must have it easy!” or “Well, that would be nice, but I can’t because (insert excuse here),” I’ll tell you that you have way more say in the matter than you probably think you do. We all have the power to create our own lives, but it’s up to you to take responsibility, make loving choices, leave victimhood behind, love your entire self, and step imperfectly into your own empowerment. Take one small step at a time. There is no need to overhaul your entire life in one moment, although perhaps it’s possible, so feel free to give it a go! So choose one little thing that would make your day feel more delicious:

  • Maybe it’s a walk outside
  • Calling a friend
  • Putting a boundary up with someone who drains your energy
  • Signing up for that class that you’ve been dying to take but you feel you don’t have time or money for
  • Buying yourself some flowers
  • Getting in bed for a nap
  • Unapologetically spending the entire day by yourself
  • Listening to soul-stirring music while you dance, eyes closed

I made a quick video after working out the other day to illustrate why I feel movement is one of the key ingredients to living a fully-charged life as an HSP. This is one example of a gift you can give yourself.






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